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The Fixed Wing
Electric Flight Specialists

Est. 2007

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4 Cell (4.8V) 2000mAh
Panasonic Eneloop Ni-MH Receiver Pack

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Superb charge retention - 90% after 6 months, and 85% even after a year, so no need for regular charging to aviod permanent capacity loss required by many Ni-Mh cells

Much higher voltage under load, the voltage does not collapse when high currents are pulled, which is an unwelcome characteristic of normal AA Ni-Mh cells.

Over double the cycle life of most Ni-Mh cells, over 1,000 cycles are possible!

Ni-MH /AA battery, compatible with all receivers.

Width 52mm
Length 57mm
Depth 15mm
Weight 111g

Please Note Due to having our knuckles severely rapped by the Post Office we can no longer send any kind of battery via the post. Any order containing batteries will have to be sent via courier and this will incur a minimum of a £9.99 delivery and packaging charge.
We cannot deliver batteries outside of mainland UK


Description Price Quantity
4 Cell, 2000mAh Panasonic Eneloop Ni-MH receiver pack £17.99
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