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The Fixed Wing
Electric Flight Specialists

Est. 2007

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Customer Photos

Please click on a photo for more information

Electric Setup for the BVM Delta Rapier 38 Inch
38" MVM Delta Rapier

Electric Setup for the Pilot Extra NG 60 Inch
60" Pilot Extra NG 60

Electric Setup for the Super Mini Bistormer 40 Inch
40" Super Mini-Bistormer

Electric Setup for the Heinkelike by Colin Baxter
38.5" Heinkelike

Electric Setup for the Top Quark by John Hutson
31.5" Top Quark

Electric setup for the Antares by J Patterson
54" Antares

Tony Nijhuis 78 inch Avro Vulcan for twin 90mm 8S FMS EDF's
78" Twin 90mm EDF

Shifty by Richard Harris

Yellow By Ton Van Munsteren

Tony Nijhuis AM6 Zero
67" AM6 Zero

OOWAH by Andy Whitehead
27.5" OOWAH

Combat Depron Models
25.8" Combat Depron Models

Mike Delacole's Chillie Breeze as featured in the Jan 2024 issue of the RCM&E magazine
48.5" Chilli Breeze

Chillie Breeze as featured in the Jan 2024 issue of the RCM&E magazine
48.5" Chilli Breeze

Peter Holland Wingamagig as featured in the Nov 2023 issue of the RCM&E magazine
48.75" Wingamagig

Brushless Electric Setup for The Hawker Hunter
Hawker Hunter

Brushless Electric Setup for 38 inch Avro Lancaster as featured in the October 2023 issue of the RCM&E
38" Avro Lancester

Brushless Electric Setup for the Flair Precedent T180
Flair Precedent T180

Brushless Electric Setup for The 1st Step by Ton Van Munsteren
1st Step

Brushless Electric Setup for The Bowers Flyt Baby by Gordon Whitehead
Bowers Fly Baby

Brushless Electric Setup for Bellanca Skyrocket by H.G. Bowers
Bellanca Skyrocket

Brushless Electric Setup for The Manx Queen
The Manx Queen

Brushless Electric Setup for the Veron Hawker Tomtit
Veron Hawket Tomtit

Brushless Electric Setup for the Ben Buckle Radio Queen
The Radio Queen

Brushless Electric Setup for The Messerschmitt M23c by Jim Newberry
The BFW M.23c
by Jim Newberry

Brushless Electric Setup for Erobatica by Mike White
by Mike White

Brushless Electric Setup for Vario AW139
Vario AW139
by Kenny Morton

Brushless Electric Setup for The VQ Models P-39 Airacobra
VQ Models
P-39 Airacobra

Brushless Electric Setup for The Hanky Planky by Terry Anderson
Hanky Planky by
Terry Anderson

Brushless Electric Setup for the Kestrel by Lindsay Todd
Kestrel by
Lindsay Todd

Brushless Electric Setup for The Hi8us by Mike Freeman
Hi8us by Mike Freeman

Brushless Electric Setup for The Bambino by Greg Thompson
Bambino by Greg Thompson

Brushless Electric Setup for The Bambina by Greg Thompson
Bambina by Greg Thompson

Brushless Electric Setup for The Gyroo Gyrocopter by Richard Harris
Gryoo Gyrocopter by Richard Harris

Brushless Electric Setup for The Rusty Ferguson by Lindsay Todd
65" Rusty Ferguson By Lindsay Todd

Brushless Electric Setup for The Mercury Matador
47" Mercury Matador

Brushless Electric Setup for Al Tazar by Mike White
Mike White's
80" Al Tazar

Brushless Electric Setup for The Flair SE5a
51" Flair Models SE5a

Brushless Electric Setup for the Upbeat by Bill Browne
48.25" Upbeat
by Bill Browne

Brushless Electric Setup for The Bowman Spatman
Brushless Setup For
The Bowman Spatman

Brushless Electric Setup for The Trilander by Robin Fowler
Robin Fowler

Brushless Electric Setup for The Old Phoney by David Ramsden
David Ramsden
Old Phoney

70mm Hawker Hunter by Tony Nijhuis
Mofified Tony Nijhuis 70mm EDF Hunter

Brushless Electric Setup for Lidl Glider
Brushless Setup For Lidl Glider

Electric Setup for Lindsay Todd's Rusty Ferfuson
Rusty Ferguson By Lindsay Todd

Twin Max by John Given
Twin Max by
John Given

Nieuport 11 By Gordon Whitehead
Nieuport 11 By
Gordon Whitehead/
Shaun Garrity

Brushless Electric Setup for The Funbat by The Bloody Micks
FunBat By
The Bloody Micks

Brushless Electric Setup for the Airsail Auster AOP9
Airsail Auster AOP9

Brushless Electric Setup for the Peter Miller Little Miss Honk Tonk
Peter Miller
Little Miss Honky Tonk

Brushless Electric Setup for the Sorrell SNS-7 Hiperbipe
Sorrell SNS-7 Hiperbipe

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis Designs Mini EDF Hawker Hunter
Tony Nijhuis Designs
Hawker Hunter

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis Designs Mini EDF Jet Provost
Tony Nijhuis Designs
Jet Provost

Brushless Electric Setup for the Airsail DH Beaver
Airsail DH Beaver

Brushless Electric Setup for the VANS RV-4 By Andy Blackburn
Andy Blackburn

Brushless Electric Setup for the Effpeevee
Effpeevee By
David James

Brushless Electric Setup for the DB Sport and Scale 63 Inch Barnstormer
DB Sport and Scale 63" Barnstormer

Brushless Electric Setup for the Quickie Ghost
Quickie Ghost

Brushless Electric Setup for the Simples Max by Mike Bell
Simples Max By
Mike Bell

Brushless Electric Setup for the EE Lightning By J Osborne
EE Lightning By
J Osborne

Brushless Electric Setup for the David Boddington Whisper
David Boddington

Brushless Electric Setup for the Sssshhwept by G.W. Dallimer, Free Plan in Jan 2020 issue of RCM&E
Sssshhwept by
G.W. Dallimer

Brushless Electric Setup for the Twizzlw By Mike Freeman, Free Plan in Feb issue of RCM&E
Twizzle by
Mike Freeman

Brushless Electric Setup for the Peter Miller Miss Deeds
Peter Miller
Miss Deeds

Brushless Electric Setup for the Vic Smeed Tomboy
Vic Smeed

Brushless Electric Setup for the Brian Taylor Mk14 Spitfire
Brian Taylor Mk14 Supermarine Spitfire

Brushless Electric Setup for the Super Scorpion
Super Scorpion

Brushless Electric Setup for the Seagull Models Piper Cherokee
Seagull Models
Piper Cherokee

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis Hawker Hurricaine
Tony Nijhuis Designs
Hawker Hurricaine

Brushless Electric Setup for the 4-Max Yeti
4-Max Yeti

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis ME163 Komet
Tony Nijhuis Designs
ME163 Komet

Brushless Electric Setup for the Avro Lancaster by Ivan Pettigrewt
Ivan Pettigrew
Avro Lancaster

Brushless Electric Setup for the Grumman G-44 Widgeon
Grumman G-44 Widgeons

Brushless Electric Setup for the Nigel Hawes Tucanno 30 Inch
Nigel Hawes
30" Tucanno

Brushless Electric Setup for the ASM Grumman F7F Tigercat
Grumman F7F Tigercat

Brushless Electric Setup for the EPP Bellanca Skyrocket
Bellanca Skyrocket

Brushless Electric Setup for the Graham Dorschell 42 inch Vulcan
Graham Dorschell
42" Depron Vulcan

Brushless Electric Setup for the Fun Fighters Spitfire
Fun Fighters Spitfire

Brushless Electric Setup for the Modellbau-Voster  72 inch C130 Hercules
72 inch C130 Hercules

Brushless Electric Setup for the Peter Miller The Ohmen
Peter Miller
"The Ohmen"

Brushless Electric Setup for the Keil Kraft Snipe
Keil Kraft - Snipe

Brushless Electric Setup for the Brian Taylor Plan Messerschmitt Bf109
Brian Taylor
Messerschmitt Bf109

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis Mosquito
Tony Nijhuis
De Havilland Mosquito

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis Vulcan
Tony Nijhuis Designs

Brushless Electric Setup for the Al Master Plan Dornier 335 Pfeil
Al Master Plan
Dornier 335 Pfeil

Brushless Electric Setup for the Black Horse Speed Air 40
Black Horse
Speed Air 40

Brushless Electric Setup for the Pushy Cat
Pushy Cat

Brushless Electric Setup for the Citabria by mini Craft
Citabria by Mini Craft

Brushless Electric Setup for the Vector (Free RCM&E Plan)
(Free RCM&E Plan)

Brushless Electric Setup for the Curare by Hanno Prettner
Hanno Prettners "Curare"

Brushless Electric Setup for the Diversion by John Newton
Diversion by John Newton

Brushless Electric Setup for the Boeing B-17 by Tony Nijhuis
Tony NijhuisDesigns
72" Boeing B-17

Brushless Electric Setup for the RBC Grumman F7F Tigercat
RBC Grumman F7F Tigercat

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis Designs Spitfire Mk5 72 inch
Tony Nijhuis Designs
72" Spitfire

Brushless Electric Setup for the DB Sport and Scale Sopwith Pup E
DB Sport & Scale Sopwith Pup 40 "E"

Brushless Electric Setup for the Jemima by James Newberry
Jemima by James Newberry

Brushless Electric Setup for the Cloud Models Me 163 Komet
Me 163 Komet

Brushless Electric Setup for the Great Planes Seawind
Great Planes Seawind

Brushless Electric Setup for the Ben Buckle Super 60
Ben Buckle Super 60

Brushless Electric Setup for the Hangar 9 Piper Pawnee
Piper Pawnee

Brushless Electric Setup for the Hangar 9 Taylorcraft
Hangar 9 Taylorcraft

Brushless Electric Setup for the Playboy Senior
Playboy Senior

Brushless Electric Setup for the Polaris (modified)
Polaris (modified)

Brushless Electric Setup for the Chris Foss Wot 4

Brushless Electric Setup for the Flair Models Magnatilla
Flair Magnatilla

Brushless Electric Setup for the Galaxy Models Electric Aerojet 540
Electric AeroJet 540

Brushless Electric Setup for the Multiplex Gemini
Multiplex Gemini

Brushless Electric Setup for the VMAR Bulldog
VMAR Bulldog

Brushless Electric Setup for the Multiplex TwinStar II
Multiplex TwinStar II

Brushless Electric Setup for the Multiplex Gemini
Multiplex Gemini

Brushless Electric Setup for the Flair Models Harvard
Flair Harvard

Brushless Electric Setup for the  Hangar 9 P-47D Thunderbolt
Hangar 9 P-47D

Brushless Electric Setup for the Extreme Flight Vanquish F3A
Extreme Flight / Freestyle-RC
Vanquish F3A

Brushless Electric Setup for the Ikarus F3A Shocky
Ikarus F3A Shocky

Brushless Electric Setup for the Ripmax/Balsacraft P-51D Mustang
Ripmax P-51D Mustang

Brushless Electric Setup for the Ripmax/Balsacraft ME109
Ripmax ME109

Brushless Electric Setup for the Bleriot

Brushless Electric Setup for the Jetsmart Vampire
Jetsmart Vampire

Brushless Electric Setup for the Alfa Models F-86 Sabre
Alfa Models F-86 Sabre

Brushless Electric Setup for the E-Flite Ultimate Shocky
E-Flite Ultimate

Brushless Electric Setup for the World Models Groovy F3A
World Models Groovy F3A

Brushless Electric Setup for the GWS A10 Warthog thunderbolt II
GWS A10 "Warthog"

Brushless Electric Setup for the Align F-16 Fighting Falcon
Align F-16

Brushless Electric Setup for the GWS ME262

Brushless Electric Setup for the Multiplex Magister
Multiplex Magister

Brushless Electric Setup for the NightHawk Vulcan 3D
NightHawk 3D/
Vulcan 3D

Brushless Electric Setup for the Hyperion Helios F3A 90
Hyperion Helios F3A-90

Brushless Electric Setup for the GWS Formosa
GWS Formosa

Brushless Electric Setup for the Extra 300
Extra 300

Brushless Electric Setup for the Chris Foss WOT4
Chris Foss Wot 4

Brushless Electric Setup for the Parkzone F27B Stryker
Parkzone F27B Stryker

Brushless Electric Setup for the RCME Predator

Brushless Electric Setup for the TW742 Sky Hawk
Sky Hawk

Brushless Electric Setup for the Precision Aerobatics Addiction
Precision Aerobatics Addiction

Brushless Electric Setup for the Nigel Hawes Hawker Hunter
Nigel Hawes Hawker Hunter

Brushless Electric Setup for the Tony Nijhuis Tornado
Tony Nijhuis Designs
Panavia Tornado

Brushless Electric Setup for the Multiplex TwinStar II
Multiplex TwinStar II

Brushless Electric Setup for the 72 inch Telemaster
6ft Telemaster 40

Brushless Electric Setup for the 92 inch Glens Models Maule Skyrocket
92" Glens Models
Maule Skyrocket

Brushless Electric Setup for the 90 Size Top Flite Mk9 Spitfire
Top Flite 90 Size
Mk9 Spitfire

Brushless Electric Setup for the Facinate Shocky
Fascinate Shocky

Brushless Electric Setup for the E-Flite Mini Showtime
Mini Showtime

Brushless Electric Setup for the Piwakawaka

Brushless Electric Setup for the Katana S 50
Katana S 50

Brushless Electric Setup for the Balsacraft Hawker Hurricane
Hawker Hurricane

Brushless Electric Setup for the E-Flite Hawker Sea Fury
Hawker Sea Fury

Brushless Electric Setup for the 1/4 scale Balsa USA J3 Piper Cub
¼ Scale Balsa USA
J3 Piper Cub

Brushless Electric Setup for the Evolution Models Micro Fusion
Evolution Models
Micro Fusion

Brushless Electric Setup for the Sebart Sukhoi 29S 50E
Sukhoi 29S 50E

Brushless Electric Setup for the 6ft Telemaster
6ft Telemaster 40

Brushless Electric Setup for the Yak54 50E
(50E Series)

Brushless Electric Setup for the CMP c-160 Transall
CMP C-160 Transall

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