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The Fixed Wing
Electric Flight Specialists

Est. 2007

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Special Offer for RCM&E Readers
Electric Setup for Puddleduck by Jim Newberry
Free Plan in The January 2018 Issue of RCM&E

Puddleduck by Jim Newberry

Puddleduck by Jim Newberry

Puddleduck by Jim Newberry

Puddleduck by Jim Newberry

Please Visit Jim Newberry's Website

Description Price Quantity
PO-2834-1020 Brushless Motor
(use the JXF 11x5 Prop with this motor)
4M-HESC30AV2 30A Brushless ESC - (for 10x5 Prop) £22.99
JXF 11x5 Wooden high performance prop £9.68
4M-160AH-027 Servos, 2pcs £12.58
60C, 3S, 2200mAh 11.1V LiPo Battery £24.00
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