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The Fixed Wing
Electric Flight Specialists

Est. 2007

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Special Offer for RCM&E Readers
Electric Setup for Jim Newberry Tiger 72

Jim Newberry's Tiger 72

Jim Newberry's Tiger 72

Jim Newberry's Tiger 72


Click here to Visit Jim Newberry's Website

For more information on any of the products please click on the links (undelined)

Item Part Number Price Quantity
PO-5065-420 Brushless Motor £75.50
4M-HESC80AV2 80A Brushless ESC
+ Programming Box
4M-UBEC5A Switching UBEC £14.99
JXF 16x8 Prop £12.21
2x HiTec HS311
2x HiTec HS85MG
Servos and Servo
extension Leads
SPINNER 75mm Black Electric Spinner
(Chrome no longer available)
PPL-60C6S-4500 6S, 4500mAh
LiPo Battery, 60C
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